
Meaning of English word "Symptom" in Nepali language is given below (With Examples) :

Symptom (n)
a physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient ( लक्षण )
  1. Dental problems may be a symptom of other illness.
  2. He described the symptoms of the disease.
  3. He's ​complaining of all the ​usual ​flu symptoms - a high ​temperature, ​headache, and so on.
  4. He's been ​HIV-positive for six ​years, but just ​recently he's ​started to​develop the symptoms of ​AIDS.
  5. It's her ​feeling that the ​recent ​outbreaks of ​violence are a symptom of the ​dissatisfaction that is ​currently ​affecting ​our ​society.
1 Comment On "Symptom"

I just love this site. Thanks a ton for the meaning of Symptoms in Nepali language. Keep posting more...

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