
Nepali meaning of English word "Bother" is given below (With Examples) :

     Word                        Meaning
Bother (v) To Trouble ( दुख दिनु, दिक्क लगाउनु/बनाउनु; तनाब उत्पन्न गर्नु )
Bother (n) 
effort, trouble, or difficulty 
Bother (excl) 
used to express mild irritation or impatience
Bother (v):
  1. He hasn't ​even bothered to write.
  2. You could have ​phoned us but you just didn't bother.
  3. Don't bother making the ​bed - I'll do it ​later.
  4. You'd have ​found it if you'd bothered ​looking/to ​look.
  5. You won't get any ​credit for doing it, so why bother?
Bother (n):
  1. I can take you there - it's really no bother.
  2. Some ​people don't get ​married because they don't ​want the bother.
  3. Please don't go to any bother on my ​account .
  4. It ​hardly ​seems ​worth the bother to go all that way just for two ​nights.
  5. I had a ​bit of bother getting ​hold of his ​phone ​number.
Bother (excl):
  1. Oh bother! It's ​raining and I ​left my ​umbrella at ​home.
  2. 'Bother!' she muttered.

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