
Meaning of English word "Shade" in Nepali Language is given below ( With Examples ) :

Word               Meaning
shade (n) shadow; slight ​darkness ​caused by something ​blocking the ​direct​light from the ​sun ( छहारी )
shade (v)
shadow; screen from direct light 
shade (n):
The ​sun was ​hot, and there were no ​trees to ​offer us shade.
The ​children ​played in/under the shade of a ​large ​beach ​umbrella.
shade (v):
Aruna Lama shaded her eyes against the sun.
At ​sunset, the ​sky shaded from ​pink into ​dark ​red.
Their ​views shade into the ​policies of the ​extreme ​left of the ​party.
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