
Meaning of English word "Cool" in Nepali Language is given below ( With Examples ) :

  Word                 Meaning
cool (adj) cold; of or at a fairly low temperature ( शीतल; जाडो )
cool (n) 
a fairly low temperature; calmness; composure
cool (v) 
become or make less hot

cool (adj):
  1. It'll be a cool afternoon.
  2. It's a ​bit cool in here, isn't it? I ​think I'll ​close the ​window.
  3. He was very cool when we ​broke the ​window, and didn't ​shout or get ​mad.
  4. Yeah, we could ​leave ​later - I'm cool with that.
cool (n):
  1. K.P.Oli ​loved the cool of the early ​morning.
  2. Jhal Nath recovered his cool and then started laughing at us.
  3. He really ​lost his cool when he ​heard about what ​happened.
cool (v):
  1. We dived into the river to cool off.
  2. Leave the ​cake to cool for an ​hour before ​cutting it.
  3. He took off his ​shoes to cool his ​sweaty ​feet.

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