
Meaning of English word "Turf" in Nepali Language is given below (With Examples) :

 Word                 Meaning
turf (n) piece of soil; grass and the surface layer of earth held together by its roots ( माटोको चपरी )
turf (v) 
force (someone) to leave somewhere. ( जबर्जस्ति निकाल्नु, उतार्नु )

turf (n):
  1. Rajesh and Karishma walked across the springy turf.
  2. Mr. Madan spent his money gambling on the turf.
  3. Judges ​feel that the ​courtroom is ​their ​private turf.
turf (v):
  1. Sita and Gita were turfed off the bus.

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