
Meaning of English word "Engage" in Nepali Language is given below ( With Examples) :

engage (v)
involve; participate or become involved in ( संलग्न हुनु )

  1. Organizations engage in a variety of activities.
  2. I have engaged a ​secretary to ​deal with all my ​paperwork.
  3. We're engaging the ​services of a ​professional ​administrator.
  4. The ​debate about ​food ​safety has engaged the ​whole ​nation.
  5. If a ​book doesn't engage my ​interest in the first few ​pages, I don't usually ​continue ​reading it.
  6. Aayusha's an ​intelligent ​child but in ​class she doesn't really engage.
  7. Just ​stay out of his way as much as ​possible, and don't engage with him.
  8. When the ​large ​gear ​wheel engages (with the ​smaller one), the ​mill​stone will ​start to go round.
  9. Enemy ​planes engaged the ​troops as they ​advanced into the ​mountains.

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